Visual Porn Blocker is an adult-content blocker for Windows. It is supposed to block pornographic and explicit sites. I imagine the application does this by using a list of known sites that contain adult content. Visual Porn Blocker can supposedly block content on all the user accounts present in your computer, and it also supports every browser. When you launch the application, it will ask for a password, which by default is 123456, but you can change this to anything you want. When you type in the password, you are given access to the main interface, from where you can block and unblock adult content on your computer.
In my testing, I visited a few adult sites with the application running and supposedly blocking all pornographic sites. I tried an obvious one first, with the word "porn" on it. I was running Internet Explorer. The website wasn't opened and I was taken back to Google automatically. To help you, I promise, I opened a few more sites, and they weren't blocked. Some of these sites contained the word "porn" in their titles and they still opened with no problems.
So, my reasoning is that this application has a list of websites that it blocks. It doesn't do any real-time scanning nor does it look on the URLs for keywords. With the number of adult sites that get created each day, I don't think this is a safe application to trust.